Get Help against Domestic Violence and free legal advice from the Best Lawyers in India

Domestic violence is a form of violence that takes place in a household, this usually includes women who are tortured or beaten by their husbands or in-laws. In India, domestic violence is pretty common and prevalent mostly in rural areas according to various surveys.

In other words, the act of domestic violence and domestic abuse is not only physical but mental and emotional as well that takes place in a domestic environment, like a cohabitation or marriage is said to be Domestic Violence. Women who face Domestic Violence often stop themselves from reporting such crimes or even fight against it.

The most concerning thing about domestic violence is, the one who encounters it, doesn't take action against it most of the time, they don't leave the abusive household or spouse or even the in-laws. There are n number of times when the abuses go unreported by the victims, because of fear that the abuser might harm her again for complaining. Domestic Violence has a very adverse effect on a women's mind and it also destroys her physically.

Laws that can protect Women Against Domestic Violence in India :

Domestic Violence Against Women in India is rising at a very high rate and to tackle this problem there are numerous domestic violence against women law in india which are as such :

● Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005

● Section 498 A of the Indian Penal Code

● The Dowry Prohibition Act

● Section 24[9] of The Hindu Marriage Act, and Section 18 of Hindu Adoptions and Maintenance Act, 1956 (Maintenance in Cases of Domestic Violence).

These are a handful of laws that must be known to the victim, however only a handful of them know about these remedies, Most rural women who are not educated don't even know that they can enforce these laws. These women must be educated about their rights and how to enforce them, There are a lot of NGOs and women helpline numbers for example 1090 in Uttar Pradesh which is just a call away to help the victims and take instant action against the abuser.

Domestic Violence that are faced by women and their Types:

Domestic Violence doesn't typically fall into one category of physical Abuse there are many forms of abuse that come under the ambit of Domestic abuse. A few of such abuse are mentioned below:

1. Abuse that affects the mental and emotional aspect of a person: Abuse doesn't only include the harm that is done to the body or that can be seen, emotional and mental abuse is equally fatal as physical Abuse. For example- Non-fulfilment of spouse duty by the husband.

2. Abusing Verbally: Abusing Verbally includes ridiculing or insulting the women in public or in private,  regular taunting and threatening to hurt or any kind of assault will constitute Verbal Abuse. For Example - Fat shaming or slut shaming women comes under the ambit of Verbal Abuse.

3. Abusing Sexually: We often don't consider the abuse that is being done sexually between a couple in a marriage. Below are a few examples of sexual Abuse :

● Forcing the woman to take birth control pills.

● Abusive sexual intercourse.

● Nonconsensual sexual intercourse.

● Forcing the partner to watch porno.

● Assaulting the partner sexually.

● Or forcing the partner to do any such act which she doesn't consent to.

4.  Physical or bodily Abuse or injuring physically: The most common and prevalent abuse or violence that takes place in a household between a couple is physical Abuse. This abuse takes place to show the authoritative power to the submissive one. Physical Abuse will include the following:

● Punching the women in the face or any other part of her body

● Kicking the women

● Scratching her with nails

● Pulling her hair

● Throwing objects at her in order to harm her

● Threatening with a weapon or any object with an intention to harm her.


The women who have to deal with Domestic Violence and the women who have dealt with domestic violence at some point in their lives face similar psychological trauma and fear. They lack confidence and live in constant fear.

The best way to help women to stand against Domestic Violence is through education, because most women are unaware of the Laws that exist to help them, Educating them and letting them know about the Laws will help them assert their rights.

FAQ. Can women in a Live-in relationship be protected under The Domestic Violence Laws in India?

A.Yes, women in a Live-in relationship can claim relief and protection under the Domestic Violence Laws in India

FAQ. What law provides for the Protection of Women against Domestic Violence?

A. Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act.

FAQ. Is a Domestic Violence case maintainable after 1 year of non-coitation?

A.Yes, a case would be maintainable even after 1 year of non cohabitation.

FAQ. What is the minimum punishment in Domestic Violence Cases?

A.The minimum punishment in Domestic Violence Cases is 3 years of imprisonment.


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