
Showing posts from September, 2023

Get Help against Domestic Violence and free legal advice from the Best Lawyers in India

Domestic violence is a form of violence that takes place in a household, this usually includes women who are tortured or beaten by their husbands or in-laws. In India, domestic violence is pretty common and prevalent mostly in rural areas according to various surveys. In other words, the act of domestic violence and domestic abuse is not only physical but mental and emotional as well that takes place in a domestic environment, like a cohabitation or marriage is said to be Domestic Violence. Women who face Domestic Violence often stop themselves from reporting such crimes or even fight against it. The most concerning thing about domestic violence is, the one who encounters it, doesn't take action against it most of the time, they don't leave the abusive household or spouse or even the in-laws. There are n number of times when the abuses go unreported by the victims, because of fear that the abuser might harm her again for complaining. Domestic Violence has a very adverse effect